Originally delivered on 1/21/2025 7:00 am

SUBJECT: Mackay HSA Newsletter - January 21st

Newsletter- January 21st

For a list of all important upcoming events go to mackayhsa.membershiptoolkit.com/events

Art Night with Ms. Bracero

(Click image to enlarge)

Ms. Bracero will be running a Valentine's Day Art Night

Thursday, February 13th in the Mackay Gym.  There will be 2 session 5-6pm (K-2) and 6:30-7:30pm (3-5).  If you have multiple students, you can select 1 time slot.  There are only 6 tickets per session.  Sign up under My Account > My Forms/Registration. Or click HERE

**All Students MUST be accompanied by an adult. Adults do not need a ticket.**

Mackay Logowear!

Our NEW Mackay Logowear is here!! Order your items with the winning logo designed by one of our own Mackay students, and voted our winner by a vote on election day.  http://mackay-elementary-merch.myspreadshop.com

*Items ship directly to you!

*Youth and Adult sizes available in a variety of colors and styles. Please make sure to click on all the categories to see all the goodies available including accessories. (Unfortunately, when you click all items, all items do not show up on one page)

Next HSA Meeting - February 20th at 1:45pm

Our next HSA meeting will be, Thursday, February 20th at 1:45pm in the Mackay Library. We will be updating on all things Mackay and we will have many updates from the Tenafly District.

Superintendent Michael Ben-David will be joining us at this meeting.


Lunch ordering closes every Tuesday at 7pm for lunch the following week. We encourage you to order now through March and make changes if needed to ensure you don't miss the weekly deadline.

*For all lunch information click HERE  

*Volunteers needed for Wednesday Pizza Days only! Sign up HERE

*If your child is absent on a day you ordered lunch, contact the main office before 12pm and Mrs. Bergman can put their lunch in the side for you to pick up 

Winter Clubs

All club information and schedules can be found at mackayhsa.membershiptoolkit.com/enrichment

*To view the classes you are signed up for log in to toolkit > My Account > Previous Orders.

Tricky Tray

We are starting to plan a Tricky Tray for Friday, April 4th. We are gathering items to be raffled off as part of this event. Click HERE to print out a donation request form that can be given to businesses to ask for donations.

Do you have a vacation home or timeshare with a week to donate? Do you work for a company willing to donate product? (TV, gift certificates, services, etc). Do you frequent a restaurant, gym, kid’s after school club, that may be willing to donate? 

*If you would like to join the committee to help plan, organize, promote, etc this event please join our WhatsApp group HERE. You can also send an email to mackaytrickytray@gmail.com

Still Need Gift Cards?

If you need e-gift cards throughout the year, please consider going through RaiseRight!

A percentage of your orders help Mackay...at no cost to you.  Sign up for a FREE account 


*E-gift cards will be available in your virtual wallet for printing (This option is available all year long)

5th Grade Parents

If you haven't been contacted by the 5th Grade Promotion Committee about this year's events, fundraisers, and collections, please email promotionmackay@gmail.com

*They are currently collecting $125 per 5th grader to offset the promotion events, gifts, etc.

5th Grade - Friday Snack Sale

Every Friday, after school, under the pavilion.  Sales to benefit the 5th grade promotion committee.

*5th grade is also collecting stationary to sell along side of their snacks.  Donations can be put in a box near the office.

HSA Dues

HSA Dues are collected 1 per family in the amount of $50.  These funds are used to support school wide initiatives.  (Assemblies, field trips, author's day, International Week, and so much more.)

To pay your dues log in to mackayhsa.membershiptoolkit.com > My Account > My Forms/Registrations

*We would love 100% participation!

Join the Mackay Parents WhatsApp Group

Join the Mackay Parents WhatsApp group. We know sometimes there are so many emails and things get lost, so we created a WhatsApp group to add an extra place to get reminders. Join HERE 

Community Events

NEXT MEETING - January 22, 2025 8PM

The next parents/guardian-only meeting of Tenafly SEPAC will take place on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 8:00PM  by zoom. Parents/Guardian-only meetings are a place where we can discuss any concerns in a confidential setting.  

If you would like to attend, please register by 7:00PM on January 22, 2025 through this link. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/RXWkqUQKSDK1kHh6kC4LdQ

Korean Cultural Festival

2025 Lunar New Year
Korean Cultural Festival
Wednesday, January 29 | THS

This year's event will be held at Tenafly High School, and will include:
* K-pop Dance Performance and other
Korean Cultural Performances
* Mini Korean Market (Cash Only)
* Fun Korean Cultural Activities & Raffle Prizes
* Prizes include a Scotty Cameron putter, raffle gifts, and much more

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