Date: Friday, April 4th

Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: American Legion Cresskill (75 Legion Dr. Cresskill)


Ticket sales are open and can be found HERE or by going to My Account > My Forms/Registrations.

Entrance ticket Pre Sale Price is $35 per person ($40 at the door). Entrance ticket includes light finger foods and soft drinks. There will be a cash bar.


*Pre purchasing both entrance tickets and raffle tickets are encouraged to speed up the check in process the night of the event.  All tickets will be held at the door and will NOT be mailed to you.


*This fundraiser will go toward a NEW Mackay Playground!


Please join the committee to help make this a huge success by

filling out the form HERE or contact Kielin Greeley at


Mackay HSA is looking to do a Tricky Tray Fundraiser this year. It will be a fun ADULT night out to meet, chat, eat, drink, and win prizes!


We have already acquired some great prizes, but we need your help to make this an amazing success! Think about businesses you may work for, businesses you frequent, or business you know love to give back. Reach out to see if they would like to give any donation to our tricky tray. Even if it is something small or a gift certificate...we can add it to a larger gift basket.


*We can provide any businesses with our non profit number for tax purposes if needed.



If you are unfamiliar with a tricky tray, here is a basic idea of what to expect:

  • Baskets of prizes are donated. (examples: tickets to LEGO Land, local restaurant gift certificates, tour of the police department, Movie Night Theme basket, TV, etc.) These are not necessarily the prizes we will have available, but just an idea.
  • All the baskets and prizes get displayed at the event/party.
  • There is usually food and drinks.
  • Individuals purchase raffle tickets. Each ticket can be placed to win any specific prize.  This means you only place tickets in the raffle for items you wish to win.
  • One raffle ticket is pulled at random for each prize at the end of the night. 

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